PatchSee: shop by manufacturer
KVM Choice are officially UK Authorised suppliers of PatchSee products and our PatchSee products are warranted for sale and use in the UK, warranties fully supported by PatchSee. Please check the warranty status of low cost imports which may have warranty issues.
PatchSee featured Categories
( Cat 5e, Cat 6, Cat 6a )
PatchSee Patchcords [UTP] unshielded PatchSee Patchcords [FTP] shielded
Clips & Lights
About the Manufacturer
'The PATCHSEE solution'
Cabling management: a strategic issue! The primary role of every Comms rooms, Patch panels, Server farms, Data centers is to keep corporate information services up and running. Today, however, systems are evolving quickly and infrastructure management continues to grow increasingly complex. Every maintenance operation and every technical intervention, whether planned or unexpected, must be fast and secure.
The financial cost resulting from down network services and mission-critical applications can represent significant loss in many sectors, such as banking, e-commerce, telecommunications and industry.